
Electrical Steel (ES), commonly known as electrical transformer steel, is a type of steel specially designed for use in electromagnetic applications such as transformers, generators, electric motors, and other devices in the fields of electronics and electrical engineering. This type of steel is engineered with specific properties to optimize magnetic performance and reduce energy losses during the electrical energy conversion process.

Characteristics of electrical steel include:

  • Good electrical conductivity: The steel needs to have good electrical conductivity to minimize energy losses due to eddy current phenomena.
  • Magnetic properties: The steel is processed to have favorable magnetic properties, meaning it can conduct electrical current with minimal resistance or energy loss.
  • Dynamic magnetic properties: The steel needs to exhibit good dynamic magnetic properties, ensuring it can maintain magnetism over the long term when subjected to magnetic fields.

Electrical steel is typically manufactured by carefully selecting raw materials and production processes to ensure it achieves the desired technical properties. These steel grades often have a special structure and undergo specific treatments to meet the requirements of specific electromagnetic applications.